My heart-touching greetings to all the readers of SpeedMango. This is my first article here on heels selection and I thank greatly to the team for giving me the opportunity.
the first girl member of the team, I wish to dedicate my first article
to all the pretty girls. And owing to it, I intend to unravel the most
sought settlement regarding the correct choice for your base. Whether it
should be stilettos or kitten heels, or should I prefer wedges over
pumps? Oh well, this is the most confusing question to a girl’s mind.
But a little bit of thought on certain aspects can lead you to the
perfect choice rendering you irresistible for anybody to look at.
Here we go with what should you be muddling your thoughts with rather than your options itself.1. Comfort comes First
doesn’t make sense at all wearing a boot you can’t properly walk in. A
shoe of proper size is the first step towards it. Then go for quality.
Not everybody can buy Timberland but all can buy a perfect one for them.
Mind it, your age or your usual practice to wear always the same size
of heel may also affect your comfort with different heel heights. Make
sure you start with flats to wedges/pumps, kitten and then to stilettos.
Make your progress in steps rather than in an abrupt fashion.
2. Give special consideration to the right size of heels.
though going with the steps given above can help you wear your best
form but scientifically you have a certain limit to the height you could
wear. And I advise you to stick to these heights for maximum time while
occasionally moving to your likings.
Here, go through the Emma’s heel height test as shown and identify the right heel height for you.
Here, go through the Emma’s heel height test as shown and identify the right heel height for you.
Wearing the right heel size will obviate the need to worry about health issues caused by improper heights.
3. The next aspect you need to work upon is the occasion, season and not to forget your dress to make the best choice.
- Prefer flats with trousers or any cute simple dress. It can work best for shopping or any casual outing.
- Wear classic knee-length boots over jeans or knee-length skirt.
- For jogging or light strolls with your friend, give a chance to your athletic wears.
- Formal goes with formal, casual with casual and traditional with so. Don’t render yourself in a faux pas by mixing floaters with traditional dress.
- Go for wedges during summer, galoshes/pumps for a rainy day.
- And for whatever kind you go, choose the best colour you can.
4. Practice is the key to success.
you wear your right choice, please practise beforehand. It would save
you from uninvited embarrassment you might allow while trying/switching
between heights. Wear them at home instead of your slippers/flats, it would give you practice as well as let you know whether you can bear the height or not.
5. Relax your feet!
how much you try you never know when your body deceives you. Remember
every person is made differently (I wonder how!) but then, they do. So,
it is highly important whatever you wear, you take care of your foot and
minimize the after effects.
- Get the best fit, right height, right shape and width according to your weight.
- Wear thicker heel for stability.
- Use cushions as per your need.
- Go for foot exercises.
- Get help from yoga and a relieving foot massage.
- Allow
your feet to relax after wearing a height which is not your cup of tea.
Nothing is better than keeping your feet in warm water. You may feel
Hope, I could resolve your major concerns with it. Till next time, with another theme!